When I was in hospital I struggled with my milk supply. My milk didn't come in straight away and Bubs lost too much weight. My confidence was really low at that point. The nurses in the hospital were great. One nurse even said to me she would just sit and chat if I needed it. They suggested I go to a breastfeeding class with a breastfeeding consultant. The guidance from that class really helped and I have been trying to do the tips they suggested.
Since being home I have been expressing once or twice a day and feeding as much as I can. Feeding on demand is easy to do when home all day, but when going out it does become a little more of a struggle. But I have been trying really hard to boost my milk supply. After feeds I could tell bubs was still hungry. He has been putting on weight, but his temperament was telling me that he didn't have enough. In the middle of the night he was screaming, full blown squealing in pain. MJL and I put it down to wind. This made me even more determined to find something to help.
I looked on google for various tips and advice on boosting milk supply and tips on "colic" and "period of purple crying" (Who came up with that name?!) . I read about types of foods that boost supply. The different tips on how to settle a newborn.
That's when I came across Clean Teas. I looked at everyones comments, I looked at their facebook comments on their teas. I was very apprehensive about buying the tea and was very skeptical as to whether it would work or not. I ordered the 30 gram bag of Mothers Tea. When it arrived I made a cup straight away.
To start with I drink 1 cup in the afternoons. If I could I would make another cup of tea.
In the first few days I found bubs was a lot more settled, but still having the full blown squealing at night. I was becoming a little skeptical.
The past 3 days I have increased the amount of tea I was drinking in each cup, and have been drinking 2-3 cups each day. Having a newborn is very busy- as you can imagine, so I have been drinking it fairly cold. For the past 2 nights bubs has not been screaming in the middle of the night in pain, is sleeping well during the day and overall seemed a lot more settled.
For my milk supply the first few days of drinking the tea I was feeling slightly dishearten. I was able to express at most 40ml after 40minutes. I was feeling like I had put trust in something and it hadn't worked.
After increasing the amount of the tea and expressing at roughly the same time of the morning- not only did my milk increase, it almost tripled in the amount I was able to express! The amount of happiness this has brought me has no words.
My goal is to keep expressing and feeding to pump around 150ml of milk. This tea is bringing me closer to that goal.
INGREDIENTS in the tea (Copied from their website):
Caraway – A calming herb used to ease flatulent dyspepsia (wind) and colic. With loss of appetite, it will stimulate appetite. As an antispasmodic, it can help relieve period pains and has been used to increase milk flow in nursing mothers.
Nettle – A tonic herb that strengthens and supports the whole body.
Aniseed – Calming and antispasmodic it eases colic and flatulence. Works well with Caraway for this. Both Caraway and Aniseed help with bronchitis or irritable coughs.
Fennel – Calming and soothing to the stomach.
Vervain – As a nervous system tonic, it strengthens the nervous system and at the same time relaxes tension. It supports recovery from depression, nervous exhaustion and stress. It has properties that help the digestive system when you’re stressed or under pressure. The gut is very affected by stress or depression, making Vervain a perfect herb to choose.
If you are struggling with your milk supply or having a very unsettled baby on your hands I would recommend this tea. As I found, having more than 1 cup of tea does make a huge difference. Click on the link below to order your own tea!