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Bedroom Checklist

My 9 year old daughter has been struggling to clean her room. You may know the scenario. Kid walks into bedroom. Stands there looking at...

Organising kitchen drawers

My kitchen drawers have been giving me such anxiety every single time I open the drawer. There has been cutlery and utensils going...

OJ's Room Reveal!

We have been considering updating Oj's room for awhile now. She is almost 9 years old and we wanted to make her room more her space. When...

Chores for school aged children

My daughter has always been my biggest helper, and loves to be given responsibility. We don't do "pocket money." But she does have...

DIY fridge photo frame magnets

Awhile ago I decided to make my own fridge frames for photos. I love taking photos, and we have a large amount of photos I haven't done...

Household organisation for small spaces

Our house is fairly small, being a two bedroom place with now four people and a dog living in it. We are trying to adjust things to make...

Routines with Newborn and 8 Year old

We have been trying for the past month to get back into the swing of our routines and some routines have had to be changed slightly to...

Oakbur Quill Co..jpg


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