My daughter has always been my biggest helper, and loves to be given responsibility. We don't do "pocket money." But she does have certain jobs she is to do around the house to help out.
Our routine during school terms has several chores for her to do that helps alleviate the stress off MJL and I, and also gives her the responsibility over her own things.
Below I will go into some of the chores she has around the house, and some ideas for some we can put in place.
Chores for my 8 Year old daughter:
Gets her uniform out before bed
Puts together her lunchbox after dinner (without sandwich)
Helps put clean washing away
Hangs out nappies on clothes rack
Puts fruit/ snacks into containers for school
Makes bed (Sometimes HAHA!)
Puts toys away (well we try...)
Feeds the dog
Puts the dog lead on to walk to car
Sets the table
Helps with dinner (sometimes simply just putting ingredients into bowl)
Wipes down the table
Wipes down the skirting boards (she likes that one)
Cleans the cupboard doors in kitchen
I asked MJL what else should I put and his response was "makes mess?" Typical!
A lot of the time OJ helps with a lot of things- especially now bubs is here. She helps get nappies, put nappies in pail or bin, get clothes out etc. She is constantly helping. The list above are the things she has to do rather than being asked to do. Especially numbers 1-3.
As she gets older her chore list will grow a little. She has started getting more independent with things and is cleaning her room by herself (not the best job but she tries.)
What chores does your child do?