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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

Empowering Women


Definition of Empowering:

- give someone the authority or power to do something

- make someone stronger or more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.


My story

Growing up I have always struggled with confidence. I have never felt overly confident in myself or in social settings especially. I have struggled to feel confident in my body and my life. When I left school I felt particularly down on myself and felt extremely lost.

After having my daughter I felt like I had a purpose, but still didn't feel like I was doing a very good job. There was so many days where I sat there thinking I couldn't get through it. That I couldn't support and raise a child. My confidence was so low that I felt like I was in a black hole.

I went into my dream job of teaching and slowly began to find some confidence in what I was doing. I could get up in front of a classroom full of children and teach them across a range of different topics. Its the one thing I pride myself on- I am a good teacher.

I met my partner, MJL, who from the get go has supported and encouraged everything I have done. He has supported me through panic attacks, excessive crying spurts, depression, pregnancy, and c-section birth/ recovery. Some things he has had to do for me makes me feel quite embarrassed, but he has done so without complaint. He has built my confidence so much in the past 3 years!

I started teaching at a school where I was surrounded by very like teachers. They had similar interests. They had similar personalities (if not more confident and out there than me.) I began to feel even more confident. I felt supported in my job, but in my job. They offered advice and support for me through a lot of difficult days.



Why do I find empowering women so important?

To break it down even more I think empowering mothers is important because with confidence to achieve goals and live life to the fullest as a mother could mean the difference between making it through the day successfully or not. As I said earlier with my daughter I found many days very difficult. Simple tasks seemed difficult to achieve. Whereas now with my son I feel I get things done- I actually do housework! All because I have that confidence that I am doing a good job. (With the small doubts in my head still I must admit.)

I want to empower my daughter to achieve her goals in life. I asked her the other day what she wants to do with her life and she said "nothing." Typical! But I know she wants to be happy in life and I want her to feel the confidence that I know she lacks. She is very similar to me as a child and I don't want her to go down the path that I have been down with depression and self doubt.

I am a feminist. (Watch people shudder) I believe in equality for women and feel there is still a major inequality in the workforce in regards to women. I think there is a stereotype for women still that we are the weaker sex. I think females still have a lot of fight still to do. But I believe in equality. I don't like hearing "males suck" or "who needs males" type of attitude. I think there needs to be equality in the sexes. Males and females should be given the same rights, not one over the other. By females taking feminism to the extreme its suppressing males. MJL has the argument that what if males were to have an all-male gym, or fight for their treatment on ads etc the way females do? They would be shut down in a minute! There needs to be equality! In order for this to happen females need to fight.


How am I showing empowerment in my blog and life?

If you have been keeping track I have recently joined some brands to be an ambassador. The companies Just strong, Mavictoria, Tshirt Dept, and even the Off the closet jewellery brand strive for empowerment for women. Their products and their brand motivations are for women empowerment. I am showing support and promoting the brands as well as their motivating mottos for life.

I love being able to show my support for breastfeeding on my blog and in my life. I am an advocate for BF and feel it needs to be normalised. I don't think it's right for a female to feel scared or embarrassed to feed her child. The whole concept that a female must move away or leave a venue for BF confuses and angers me. It is a natural and beautiful thing. Not something a female should feel ashamed of or embarrassed by.

My blog is centered around the support of female health, mental health and breastfeeding. I offer my tips and stories behind each of the topics to show awareness to others going through the same thing. I only hope that advice helps someone in need.

I strive to offer females encouragement and support around me. The females in my life are amazing and are total badass females! Each show their own spark and I love each and every one of them! (soppy enough??)



How can you help empower females in your life?

  1. Encourage them! Very simple. If they are doing something that they find challenging or are starting out on a new adventure, encourage it! A simple "you can do this!" Can be all the encouragement someone needs to achieve it.

  2. If you like something about them, tell them. Simple words of "I really like your... (insert something here)" can make them feel confident about themselves. Watch a persons' smile when you give them a positive comment.

  3. Stand up when females are being objectified. Standing by and watching something happen can be worse than the person causing it. If a female is being discriminated against, stand up for them!

  4. Listen. Females like to talk. Especially to those they feel comfortable with. I know a lot of introverted females, but they still like to talk to their loved ones. Listen to them. You don't need to offer advice or input. Just listen.

  5. Take photos and say why you did. If there is a beautiful moment, or if they have a beautiful smile that day, or even just cause... take the photo. Capture that moment. The confidence a person can gain when someone recognises something about them and acknowledges it is so uplifting.

  6. Show your support. Even if it is a small, or a simple gesture of support it can mean the world to someone.

What ways do you show empowerment in your life?
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