After Breastfeeding (BF) both of my children, my daughter for a year and now my son for the past 6 weeks, I have picked up some tips and tricks along the way that others might find helpful. Some tips are pretty well known and you may already know them, but these are things that have really helped me.
My tips for the first days in hospital:
Listen to the nurses- they can and will help.
Drink lots of water you will need it.
If allowed- have lots of snacks you will be extremely hungry.
Be prepared with a nursing pillow or extra pillow it helps.
Have comfortable and loose tops.
If there is a BF consultant speak to them to ensure you are latching correctly. Getting baby latching correctly from the start can make a huge difference.
Have nursing bras if you want to (I felt uncomfortable without a bra with visitors)
If they suggest to express to boost supply in the first few days- do so.
Be patient!
My tips for the first weeks at home:
Be comfortable. Forget the fancy tops be comfortable- nursing tops are the best!
Find a nursing area whether it be a lounge chair or rocking chair that you feel comfortable in.
Have a comfy nursing pillow ready.
Have lots of water at the ready- you will need to keep hydrated.
Bulk buy snack. We had a huge box filled with museli bars and oat bars. life saver!
If need to- have an express pump handy that you know how to use. (It is good to have a back up bottle of milk in case you're needing a break)
Use your village to get housework done.
Be patient!
My tips for everyday life
When going out wear a nursing bra or nursing top under another top if need be.
Make sure to think about what you're wearing before leaving house. You want baby to be able to latch quickly.
Make sure to take a drink bottle where ever you go, or buy a bottle of water when you're out. Stay hydrated.
Have a snack in nappy bag or handbag.
Have an amusement with you such as phone or book.
Be comfortable with what you are wanting to do. If you are comfortable feeding in front of others do so. If you aren't find a quiet feeding area. I've fed in front of friends and family, and then other times fed in the quietness of the car. Do what you feel comfortable doing.
Ignore the looks- Most of the time they are just that, looks. Just feed your hungry baby.
Have burping bibs or cloths ready. Spit up will happen!
Things that have really helped me boost my supply
Mothers Tea by Clean Tea Australia. I've made it into an ice tea as a jug in my fridge. When going out I pour some into a drink bottle.
Oats! I've been eating oat bars and have found this has really boosted the supply of milk.
DRINK LOTS OF WATER! The days I don't drink lots I can feel it and it makes a huge difference.
Pumping when I can. I haven't pumped every single day but if I did I probably would have seen a bigger increase. But I have pumped once a day during the week, some weeks more than once a day. It has really helped.
Rest! When I've really needed it, I've had a do-nothing day at home. This has helped a lot.
I am in no means an expert at breastfeeding, and there are plenty of things I could do differently. But these are things I have picked up along my BF journey with my daughter and now my son. I am constantly learning with what works and what doesn't. There are many things that worked with my daughter that don't now with my son and vice versa.
My biggest tip for any BF mum is to enjoy every minute of it. Even the frustrating times. Because in a blink of an eye it is over and those precious moments finish.