There are many people that think breastfeeding is something that just comes naturally. That the baby will automatically latch on and feed. For some people, that is the case. But in my experiences, there is always some hurdles to be faced with breastfeeding. It takes a little longer for things to just come automatically with feeding. I breastfed my daughter until she was almost 1, and then she transitioned to formula until she was ready for cows milk. At the beginning she wouldn't latch on, and I had several weeks of issues trying to get her to feed properly. This time round, bubs latched on straight away. However, we have had our hurdles already.
Our story so far
Bubs has been feeding quite well lately, but in the first few days I doubted my ability to keep breastfeeding. Straight away on the first breastfeed, bubs latched on and everything went really well. He fed every few hours in the days that followed. However, he became more and more upset after feeds showing that he was still hungry. My milk had yet to come in and it was breaking my heart that I couldn't help him. One night (I think the Saturday night) he had screamed for over an hour and the midwife ended up coming in. We discussed options available. MJL and I discussed what we could do. The decision was made to give him a top up bottle of formula. I didn't make the decision easily, as I wanted to breastfeed solely. But I didn't want him going hungry.
The following day I was a mess, especially after bubs was weighed and he had lost over 10% of his body weight. I didn't think I could feed him enough, and thoughts of choosing something easier like formula feeding crossed my mind several times. I questioned as to whether I should continue breastfeeding. The plan was put in place for breastfeeding, expressing and formula bottle top ups to increase his weight. If any mums out there are doing this plan I take my hat off to you. Especially when bubs was feeding every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, I couldn't sleep. There was barely enough time between the process to eat or drink. When expressing I was only able to express at most 10ml between both sides after 40 minutes of pumping. It barely seemed worth it!
The next day, (Monday) I went to the breastfeeding class at the hospital. If you are offered a class at the hospital take the opportunity. They do really help.
That afternoon my milk came in. This was known as day 4. I was sitting with visitors (both sets of grandparents) and my shirt became soaked. I had leaked everywhere! By that night bubs had become more settled and I could tell that he was feeling full. I still gave him top up feeds, but every second feed or so. However, I didn't express as much. Instead I let bubs stay feeding longer, and more regularly. This I found I could cope with, and it didn't tire me out as much as expressing was doing. I became more relaxed, bubs fed better and put on weight. Between weighing on Sunday and Monday he had put on 100g, and then another 60g by the next day.
Since hospital bubs has been feeding every 2-3 hours and at night between 2-4hours. I have expressed twice since being home a week and have expressed around 30-40ml of milk from both sides after 30-40 minutes of pumping. I am hoping to continue expressing and increase the amount that I am expressing.
If anyone has any good tips at how to increase milk supply please comment on this post.
After some advice I have taken to expressing in the morning rather than afternoon.
Made a huge difference especially to my confidence!
One of the many joys of breastfeeding is the closeness of mum and baby. There are many hours spent almost in a cuddle whilst baby feeds. It's our time together and we get to sit enjoying the quality time together.
Another joy of breastfeeding is knowing that I am giving my son all the nutrients and "good stuff" he needs in each feed. "Breast is best" as I have heard over and over. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that formula doesn't give a baby what they need. I do not condone anyone belittling anyone for their choice on how they feed their baby (something I will go into further later on.) But for me, I wanted to give breastfeeding a good go before I made the choice to give formula.
The convenience of breastfeeding is the lack of preparation needed in putting together bottles and formula, and then heating the milk up. I feel this also makes breastfeeding more environmentally friendly as I don't need plastic bottles. (Though for expressing I do...)
But this also means when I go out, I don't need to worry about finding somewhere to heat up milk, or to put together a bottle. I am the walking milk bottle!
The Woes
Breastfeeding is taxing on the body. It can be tiring on mum and requires a lot of energy. The way I have tried to counteract this is to get sleep when I can. Even if it is a quick nap or just a lay or sit down for a little while. As time goes on the tiredness will decrease.
Along with the tiredness is the hunger. Oh my gosh! The increase in appetite is amazing! I have been trying to eat regularly, and keep the hunger at bay. By increasing what I eat will increase the supply of milk too. Having snacks readily available is my biggest tip to any new mum that is breastfeeding. Have a variety of snacks too, that way you won't get sick of having the same thing over and over.
As mentioned earlier another woe I have is the opinion of others on breastfeeding. When I was breastfeeding my daughter I had several remarks from others on my choice to breastfeed. They varied in their responses. Some were positive and in awe of my ability to breastfeed especially from mothers who wanted to but were unable. But the ones that surprised me were the responses of negativity. That I was ruining my boobs was one remark that shocked me! When she got a little older, the responses changed to when I was going to put her on a bottle. Sometimes I think mothers can't make a right choice by others. I think this goes for formula feeding as well. The negative responses from others regarding mothers choices to feed their babies with formula is horrible. I have known some great mums who have tried to breastfeed and were unable and ended up feeding their babies with formula. I have also known some great mums who decided their best option was formula feeding alone. It's a mothers choice how to feed their baby. A happy mum means a happy baby!
With my daughter, I was conservative in the respect that I tried my hardest to find a quiet spot away from others to feed. However, I did sometimes feed in public if there was no other option. When I found out I was pregnant I was confident that I would breastfeed, and I would be comfortable feeding in public. The funny thing is... when the time came to breastfeed in public I felt anxious. I didn't want anyone to become upset or offended and make a comment. I felt anxious about breastfeeding bubs as he doesn't latch quickly. I didn't want to have to have my boob hanging out for the world to see, and have anyone comment. I think having the knowledge of opinions of others as I do now, compared to when I was breastfeeding my daughter (8 years ago!) is a bad thing in a way. When I got up the courage to breastfeed in public I covered myself up with a muslin wrap. I felt silly for succumbing to the pressures put on mothers to cover up in public to breastfeed. But I don't know if I could cope with the negative opinions of others right now. With emotions and hormones going haywire.
The biggest problem I am having in the past few days is bubs is cluster feeding (feeding lots in short time.) Trying to get anything done is so difficult. But knowing that it will settle him I'm trying to keep feeding him as much as needed. I am also trying to Express every day or every second day.
Your turn: tell me about your breastfeeding journey. What Joys and woes have you had? Comment below.