A little while ago I decided to make the switch from using disposable liners to reusable liners. After attending the Mama Tribe event (see past posts) I was interested in using period panties to compare. After using both I can give you an honest comparison between them.
A little bit of background
This might be a little TMI for you, but after I had OJ I had a lot of hormone issues that caused a lot of issues with my monthlies. After seeing a GYN it was decided that I would get the Mirena put in to limit the issues I was having.
If you don't know much about the Mirena it is a small device inserted into a female that releases a small amount of hormones that stabilise things so they can't fall pregnant. It lasts for 5 years and then needs to be replaced or removed. When I decided to have bubs I needed to have the Mirena removed and had normal monthlies from then on.
After I had bubs- a csection- I had to use pads for several weeks and then moved to using panty liners. To give you an idea of how many- I was using up to 6 panty liners a day for almost 2 months. Now I have the occasional need for liners, and a small amount of leakage (TMI sorry!) So I don't need a typical pad.
Using a reusable panty liner
I know the first reaction when I tell someone about a reusable liner.... EW! But seriously it isn't as bad as you might first think. In fact it isn't any worse than using a disposable one, and can't be any worse than the monthlies in the first place.
Reusable panty liners are worn, washed and then reused each month. You need to have enough in your "stash" to last for the week (or longer if need be) that allows you to have them drying too.
Most panty liners have a fastener on them, on the wings, for when you place the liner on and clip them together around the underwear. The really amazing thing is there are liners out there for various underwear too! How cool is that?!
When the liner needs to be changed, simply take off and place in a wetbag (if you are out and about) or rinse in laundry sink until water runs clear. You can even have a small container to place them into similar to a nappy pail. After being rinsed they can be placed in normal washing load and hung to dry. Easy? Super easy!
Using period panties
Similar to using a panty liner the period panties can be washed and reused. Period panties look like normal undies, however they have a section with absorbent layers that catch what is needed.
Just like the period liners, you remove the panties when you need to and rinse in sink until clear and then place in wash. They are super easy to use, and can be used for longer than a period liner (depending on the level of absorbency.)
There are various styles and sizes for the panties, and there are various companies out there that now sell them. I have the Love Luna panties and I would highly recommend these ones as they are super comfy and are available in Woolworths! How convenient!
The Pros and Cons of both
My recommendation:
For day to day being out and about and daily mum life I did prefer the panty liners as I could change them and place in wetbag without much time used or hassle. Whereas the period panties took a little longer to change and are less transportable.
However, period panties are so comfortable to wear! For night time they were amazing! It was like I was just wearing normal underwear.
My recommendation: Period panties are a great alternative and can be worn with a tampon or pad to help make the transition.