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What Modern Cloth nappies do I use and why?

Writer's picture: MissMumof2MissMumof2

When people hear I use MCN there are certain questions I always here:

  • "Isn't that more work?"

  • "Ew! What about the poo?"

  • "Don't you need to soak them?"

  • "How do they work exactly?"

I have used MCN with my daughter, and now using them with my son. I love them. I find them a lot easier to use in some ways and love that I am helping the environment at the same time.

Bubs in one of the nappies

In this post I will explain:

  1. Why I use MCN

  2. What MCN I use

  3. Cost of the MCN

  4. How I use the MCN

  5. Tips on using MCN

There is an earlier post I wrote on MCN. I will further this with feedback from using the nappies for the past 5 weeks or so with bubs.

If you want to read my earlier post click the link below:


Why I use MCN

Being honest using disposable nappies is easy and convenient. However, the environmental impact of disposable nappies is horrifying. The amount of time it takes for a disposable nappy to degrade is shocking! This is the main reason I chose to use MCN over disposables. I am not saying I never use disposables: Bubs is in them over night at the moment for numerous reasons, and I used them with my daughter when travelling. They have their benefits.


What MCN I use

I am very excited to be telling you about the nappies we use for bubs! They are amazing and I have loved using them so far.

Example of one of the nappies

BabyBare Cloth Nappies

These amazing MCN are from BabyBare Cloth Nappies.

We have a stash of BARE CUB nappies. We have around 15 nappies of various patterns. Their names are:

  • OZ

  • Rain & Shine

  • Farmyard

  • Whale Watch

  • POW

  • Waves

  • Precious

  • Cosmic

  • Animal Walk

  • Turtle Reef

Some of the nappies we have more than one of.

Some of the nappies we have

I ordered the nappies in two lots due to already having another stash of MCN. However, the other brand of nappies do not fit bubs yet. He was born 3kg, and is just under 4kgs now. The BabyBare nappies fit perfectly! They're suggested fit from 3.5kg and fit until toilet training.

We went with the Bare Cub (PUL) for the following reasons:

  • They fit from newborn.

  • They are easy to pull apart to wash

  • We didn't need to have an extra cover on top of the nappy

  • It is similar to putting on a disposable nappy in some ways (as it is just one nappy)


Cost of the MCN

When MJL (my partner) and I decided to purchase MCN we researched into the price of using disposables vs. MCN. Using disposables for roughly 3 years worked out approximately $3000. Whereas with the BabyBare nappies have cost roughly $500. With the additional nappies from the other company we have spent no more than $800 on nappies that will last until toilet training.

Bare Cub (PUL) AI2 nappies are $28.00. This includes the cover, the snap in liner and a booster.

In the picture you can see the inside of the nappy with the liner underneath the booster. The booster fits inside the pocket inside the nappy.

They have other types of nappies available on their website, including BareCub Minky, Teddy Bare PUL and Teddy Bare Minky, Honey Pot Fitted and Honey Pot Wrap/ Cover, Ruffle Cub and Night Nappies. They all range in prices.


How I use the MCN

Using MCN is actually super easy however you have to keep motivated. The nappies are easy to fold and prepare and use daily. Here's the steps I use:

  1. Pre- fold the Nappies. When I get them ready I pre-fold them together with the Liner. (Add booster if used too) I have also folded them down to the new born size.

  2. Store the nappies in our awesome trolley. (Pictured to left) You can see the stash of nappies in the middle shelf.

  3. Put on baby. The buttons on the nappies can be re-sized according to the baby's size. Just like putting on a disposable you place on baby and fit each side around. Super easy. Only thing you need to check is that the liner isn't poking out! Also no creams or powders can be used.

  4. Change baby when needed.

  5. Put wipes into bin.

  6. Un-click the liner. (This helps later on)

  7. When baby is on solids- rinse of any excess solids off nappy. This can be done earlier on, but I haven't been doing so.

  8. Place both liner and nappy in nappy pail/ nappy bin.

  9. When there is a load worth of nappies tip nappies into washing machine.

  10. Put washing detergent in. No need for anything else.

  11. Wash nappies on a water saving cycle. (this was trial and error with our machine to get the right amount of time and water etc. Test it out with a load.)

  12. Hang nappies in sun on a drying rack.

  13. We have been using dryer for liners as they take a little longer to dry.

  14. Start back at number 1.

When out and about I do numbers 1-7 and then place nappy in the wetbag I received from BabyBare. Then when I get home I empty them into the nappy pail with the other nappies.

As I said earlier we have bubs in disposable nappies at night time for the time being. This was because MJL had not used MCN before and wasn't confident in putting one on bubs in the middle of night. Also due to weather and getting into a routine with washing we found by the night time we had run out of nappies. We have gotten into a good routine now and this hasn't been happening though.


Tips on using MCN

If you are trying to decide whether to use MCN or are new to using them here are some tips I have gathered along the journey of MCN use:

  1. Be organised- Have a place to store the nappies

  2. Pre-fold the nappies when they are dry. It saves so much time!

  3. Be prepared to adjust the nappies a few times

  4. Stay motivated with it. It will take some persistence

  5. Don't put the outer cover of the nappy in the dryer

  6. Use the sun when you can. It does all the work in getting smells and stains out

  7. Use trial and error to find a good setting on your washing machine

  8. Make sure you put in the liner and the nappy is folded to baby otherwise there may be leakage.

  9. Have a good stash of nappies. Buy enough for 2 or more days worth. That way you have the flexibility of a rotation of washing.

  10. Buy a nappy pail liner. BabyBare sell amazing liners with gorgeous designs.


If you already use MCN, comment below any tips you have on using the nappies.


If you wish to purchase your own Baby Bare Cloth Nappies click on the link below.



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