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Lactation Smoothie Recipes

As a breastfeeding mama keeping milk supply up is a constant struggle. After some quick research I have created a few lactation smoothie recipes. Ive added the recipes below of some of the smoothies I have made. Each can be varied and the ingredients used in various ways.

{Recipe Number 1}


  • Banana

  • Orange Juice (roughly 1- 2 cups)

  • Frozen Berries (roughly 1 cup)

  • 2 x Pitted Dates

  • 1 tsp Flaxseed meal

  • 1 tsp Brewers yeast

  • 1 cup oats

This smoothie is really simple and fruity. Make sure not to put too many oats in as it does get quite thick. The dates can be left out if you don't like it. I also like using frozen berries as it gives it the coldness instead of using ice.


{Recipe Number 2}


  • 1 cup of Oats

  • 1 cup of frozen berries

  • 1 tsp brewers yeast

  • 1 tsp of flaxseed meal

  • 1 Banana

  • 1- 2 cups of milk (or soy milk for me!)

This smoothie is slightly heavier than number 1. With less ingredients it makes a little less, but it can be quite heavy. I added extra milk into it to lighten it.


{Recipe Number 3}


  • 1 cup of oats

  • 2 cups of Milk (Soy milk for me!)

  • 1 tbs of Ovalentine (could use any chocolate powder)

  • 1 tsp of brewers yeast

  • 1 tsp of flaxseed meal

This smoothie is almost like a milkshake!! Super yummy. I made this one as a midday one as it was quite filling. The ovalentine takes over the taste of the brewers yeast.


The main ingredients you want to use when making a lactation smoothie are:

  1. Oats- oats are amazing for milk supply. But remember not to use too much as they make the smoothie quite thick.

  2. Brewers Yeast- This ingredient can be found at supermarkets like Woolworths. I found a macro brand one that wasn't too expensive either. But don't use too much as the taste it quite over powering.

  3. Flaxseed Meal- It was suggested to me to use flaxseed meal as it is a good source of fibre.


Remember to make smoothies to your taste.

If you like sweet smoothies- add more ingredients with a sweet taste such as berries or honey. If you prefer a less sweet taste add heavier ingredients like oats.

Use frozen fruit rather than fresh

Why? Well here's a few reasons why I use frozen fruits:

  1. Last longer without going "bad"

  2. Get more in a packet

  3. Can be cheaper

  4. Adds coldness rather than using ice

  5. Nutrients are still there


What ingredients do you use in a smoothie? In the comment box add your suggestions on how to create an amazing smoothie!

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