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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

Baddass mums!

A book review on: Badass Mums: 30 Boundary breaking women getting s#*! done by Affirm Press.

I recently purchased this book thinking it may give me some inspiration in regards to being a mum. From the get go I fell in love with it. The cover, the title and the concept behind the book is just amazing.

Things that I love about the book:

  • The cover! How damn impressive is the rainbow styling of the cover? What is not to love!

  • The title. It is bold and daring and sums up the concept behind the book. The mums are definitely badass!

  • The amazing illustrations throughout the book from Sarah Firth show all the badass mums in the book. The drawings are almost comic like and are bright and colourful.

  • Under each of their names is a small quote from them showing what they are all about.

  • The concept of empowerment of these women. They are famous females in history but are also mothers doing inspirational things. If other mums can do these things why can't you as a mum? It is all about stepping up and supporting other women also in their dreams and goals. It is showing aspiration to achieve and aim higher!

At the start of the book, in the introduction, it says this:

"Let's be real, being a woman is tough, and being a mother tougher still. This book shines a light on a diverse range of trailblazing women who've fought, run, danced, sung and thought their way to the top of their fields, all while being badass mums. From the mothers working and raising families against the odds, to the record- breaking women who refused to stick to the status quo, this is a celebration of just some of the women who are championing unique approaches to motherhood. After all, there's nothing more badass than being a mum."- Baddass Mums Introduction

Some of the Badass Mums discussed:

  • Aretha Franklin

  • Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher

  • Penny Wong

  • Serena Williams

  • JK Rowling

  • Cate Blanchett

These are just the ones more well- known to me.

The list of 30 badass mums ranges from mothers who founded Mothers Day (Ann Jarvis) to the first African woman to receive a Nobel Peace Prize (Wangari Muta Maathai.)

Things I didn't quite like about the book:

  • The information on each female is quite short. (Only because I want to read more!)

  • Each female has their own title page of sort dividing the pages with a bright colour and their name. This gets a little frustrating when turning the pages. (Only small annoyance.)

That's about it... I actually really enjoyed reading about each female and how inspiring they are. They showed the importance of empowering others especially females in their field.

"But it's time to bust open the myths and shine a light on the badass women who are defying gender stereotypes and creating their own version of motherhood." -Blurb on back of book.

Overall I would highly recommend this book if you are feeling unmotivated as a mother and are needing some inspiration. I found by reading about each of the 30 badass mums I began to feel more confident about being a mum myself. Because motherhood is hard. The juggling of everything is very hard.

To use a quote from the book:

"After all there's nothing more badass than being a mum."

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