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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

Bubs birthing story

The birth of bubs was a very exciting but nerve wracking experience. With my daughter I had an emergancy c-section. It was not part of any birthing plan and it did not cross my mind at all that I would have one. It was extremely stressful. With bubs it wasnt stressful in the same sense. I was anxious. I dont remember much from OJs birth and this made the experience all the more intense.

Bubs was a planned c-section. There were various reasons why- the doctor wasn't confident I would be able to go naturally after what happened with OJ, if I did try to go natural there was a big chance I would have a c-section anyway and I was petrified of going through the ordeal again. So the plan was a c-section on the 28th February.

The morning of the birth

MJL and I got up super early and got ready. As the bags were already packed it was super quick.

My parents and OJ picked us both up so that we didnt have to worry about a car and parking. Driving in it felt so surreal. I was leaving the house pregnant to return with a baby!

We went straight to the maternity ward and were shown to our room. Nerves kicked in big time! We gave OJ a present of a Locket for becoming a big sister and little games to play whilst waiting in hospital room.

I had to dress in a gown and put on some very attractive stockings. I laid on the bed and they hooked a machine to my belly with bands to record bubs heart rate. For 15-20 mins I laid there listening to the little bump bump bump of his heart rate and talked with MJL, OJ and my mum. After what seemed an age they came to take us down to theatre. OJ and mum stayed in the room whilst MJL and I were in theatre.

The procedure

We waited in a small room off to the side and were visited by our OBGYN, the anesthetist and another surgeon. I was trying really hard to keep calm but felt like I could've jumped up and ran.

When I was wheeled in to the room I moved on to the bed for the surgery. I had to sit on the edge whilst the anesthetist put in the spinal tap. MJL was a huge support and I am sure still has a sore hand from me squeezing it. Once the spinal tap was working I was laid back down and a screen was placed up in front of me. MJL was sitting behind my head and kept talking to me to keep me calm.

The doctors came in and began the procedure. It felt like the longest time but it was only 15 mins or so until I heard a little squeak of a cry. I burst into tears right away.

MJL went to cut the chord and to wrap him and brought him back to see me. We laid there cuddled for awhile and I just laid in awe. This little man was in the world.

I began to get the shakes which is a side effect of the spinal tap. I had the shakes badly with OJ.

Once I was stitched up (or stapled up) MJL and bubs went to recovery and I was cleaned up. All dignity is lost in child birth- even with c-sections. I was then wheeled to recovery and got to have the first feed with bubs. I was so relieved he latched straight on. OJ had huge difficulties with breastfeeding and took an age to latch. It was such a relief!

When we got the all clear we made our way back to the room for OJ and my mum to meet bubs. My dad also turned up just as we got to the room. We could then announce the name which we gave the privilege to OJ who had kept it secret for so long.

The name

MJL and I talked at length amount names. We went through all the names we saw or heard. There were plenty that were a no- especially being a teacher.

We decided we wanted to use grandparents names. His first name is my grandfathers name, his first middle name is MJLs middle name and second middle name is MJLs grandfathers name.

OJ has two middle names and is so happy her little brother is going to be special just like her.

Hospital week

The following 6 days went by like a blur. Feeding every 2-3 hours and getting little to no sleep with constant interruptions from nurses, cleaners, food delivery or doctors.

I feel like I have handled this c-section better and was even up and moving around quite well the following day. We had a few visitors and enjoyed the quiet time as well. Especially with a few small hurdles we faced. Though bubs was feeding okay he started to seem hungry even after a big feed. The decision was made to give him a top up formula bottle. Not a decision I would jump to but I couldn't sit and watch him scream from hunger. My milk didnt come in until Monday- which was giving me a lot of anxiety.

Bubs was weighed on the Sunday and he had lost weight as all babies do in first few days but he had lost too much. They were concerned. So we had a new plan- breastfeeding every 3 hrs, expressing and top up feeds with bottle. I was exhausted after a day and an emotional wreck. But it worked! He put 100g in one day and my milk came in giving me some relief. Sitting with both sets of grandparents on the Monday feeling like a zombie, I suddenly felt a cold rush down my front. I had leaked milk everywhere! Quite embarrassing.

On the Tuesday half my staples were taken out and the following day the other half were taken out. It was then time for home! I was so excited about going home. Nearly a week in hospital was so long. I had been itching to go for 3 days.

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