Guest Blogger: MJL
Hi, I am MJL. I am Emma's fiance and a father two beautiful children. I wasn't around when OJ was younger, so now that Bubs has come along I am experiencing things for the first time. It is all brand new for me. I am enjoying being a new dad!
1. What has it been like to become a Dad?
Exciting and frightening at the same time. Exciting that you have a little thing in front of you that you will have a huge influence on and be part of their life for a long time. That they will grow and develop along how you raise them. But frightening because like most parents I have no bloody idea what I am doing!
2. How did it feel when you met bubs for the first time?
It was very surreal. From going through the pregnancy journey and having thought about it for so long to actually meeting Bubs. It really changed my perspective on life.
3. How has life changed for you since becoming a dad?
A lot less sleep! A new balance to time I have between work, and home life. But also to keep myself focused on day to day life, despite being tired and sleep deprived. It can be seen as a good thing too, as I have more good things in my life to focus on.
4. What tips would you give new dads to be?
Be patient- being a dad will test you
You aren't an expert over night (links to be patient)
Find some time for yourself even a few minutes a day to refocus and recenter yourself
Understand the first few months aren't about you, but they will be eventfully.
Don't pass out in the delivery room
Be hands on and give things a go.
Change nappies, dress baby and feed baby when possible
5. How do you manage times where you feel overwhelmed as a dad?
Coffee. Try to prioritise the important matters. Understand you will get behind in things in life, such as work, friends, hobbies etc. But eventfully they will start to level back out. Reflect on things and try to refocus your thoughts towards what is most important.
6. What has been the best thing about being a dad?
When my baby boy smiles at me! Knowing he can scream his lungs out but when he sees me and recognises me he gives me a smile. It is the best feeling in the world.
7. Has being a step-dad been different to being a biological dad?
Probably having a clear understanding that I am seeing Bubs grow from the very beginning. Coming into OJ's life later in the track, I wasn't around during the first stages of her life and seeing the behaviour management and the disciplining that occurred which meant I had to learn quite quickly how to handle things. Whereas with
Bubs I am there from the get go and I will have that influence on his life.
8. How did you cope and help with the baby blues (with your partner) following the birth of bubs?
Fortunately I am lucky that my partner has not suffered too dramatically from baby blues so far. But try to take the pressure off things and help where you can. Be patient.
As a tip= Back rubs really help.
9. What are you looking forward most about being a dad?
When Bubs starts to learn by watching things happening, like the day he firsts picks up a cricket bat. I love my cricket and I am looking forward to passing this on to him.
10. What's your biggest tip to dads out there?
Get involved, don't waste it. Before you know they will old enough to talk back to you and before you blink they will be getting on with their own lives, so enjoy it while it's there.
"Until you have a son of your own... you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son." - Kent Nerburn