Healthy baby food doesn't have to be difficult or even time consuming to put together. The healthiest food for a baby is clean, natural and basic food. When starting your baby on solids always seek professional advice. These following tips and recipes are of my own creation and are what I have put in place for my children. These recipes are mainly fruit and vegetables, as we have not mastered the meat side of things yet. I will add to the recipes as I do them.
Baby Food Puree: How to
Depending on the recipe you may need any of the list provided.
You will also need tubs for storage and labels.
The hardest part of starting solids is having the food prepared, but also the amounts. Start by only having table spoons in tubs as bubs will not eat a lot to begin with.
Frozen vegetables are an excellent alternative for preparing baby food as you will have a large amount that can keep for a lot longer than fresh vegetables in the fridge.
It was suggested to me to not add any extra sugars, spices or juices to the food to begin with.
Baby Food Puree: Recipes
Baby Food Puree: Tips
Over cook the vegetables
Chop all food in small pieces
Mash or blend food well to begin with
Add water to help create consistency
Add rice cereal to add extra thickness
Baby food Baby lead weaning
With both of my children I have done a mixture of BLW and puree food. During meal times I give them certain foods that they can hold and suck on to gain flavour and nutrients from. However, I do give puree food too. If you want more information on Baby Lead Weaning there is so much information on the internet and there is a book as well. (No link provided)
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Ice cube trays are also great for freezing small amounts of purées!