I recently became an ambassador for a brand called Just Strong. The company is amazing and after this post you will understand why!
What the company is all about:
From their website:
We are a lifestyle brand for strong women. Whether you are an experienced lifter, a new starter or have simply overcome great adversaries in your life, the JustStrong community is here to make sure you never give up.
Basically the brand is all about empowering women to be the strongest they can be, mind and body.
Why the squat for their symbol:
Again from their website:
The squat is the perfect analogy for life - it’s about standing back up after something heavy gets you down and what better way to present this analogy by using it in our branding. We are here to empower and motivate strong women from every walk of life.
Why this company:
I wanted to become a collaborator with this brand for their main motivator: Empowering women. It is something that I feel passionate about and through the coming weeks/ posts you will understand it is the centre of my blog.
What you need to do:
Go to:
Find what products you absolutely love! Trust me you will find so many things you will love.
When checking out your products put in the promotion code EMMASM10 for an amazing discount!
Wait patiently for your goodies to arrive
Wear them with pride and feel empowered to achieve anything!
Take photos and tag #bejuststrong