Fourth Big News!

You are probably thinking... Another one?! Yes! This collaboration came as a little bit of a surprise and by accident in a way. I ordered a top through their company and was referred to their referral program.
What the company is all about:
The company provides people with unique tshirts with funny slogans. They have a range of products from tops to dresses also. Their range includes "Mom life range" of things, and breastfeeding mama range. They provide kids clothing too!
Why this company?
As I said before I happened across this page by accident in a way. I wanted to get a breastfeeding t-shirt. One that showed I supported BF! The link to this website came up on a facebook group and when I began scrolling through the products I fell in love with their slogans. I decided to order one and the rest is history!
I wanted a BF top to show support for it, but also to show empowerment to mummys out there who BF. Normalising BF is something I am passionate about. A mum shouldn't feel shame or embarrassment for wanting to feed her bub in public. It is natural, it is normal and the negativity towards it needs to stop!
What you need to do:
Use this link:
Choose from their amazing products. They have some really funny things!
When you process the order it will automatically be linked to my referral.
Patiently wait your goodies
Wear them with absolute pride!