A part of being a mum is trying to find the time to do things for yourself.
Though being a mum is a wonderful and fulfilling job; sometimes it is pretty easy to loose "you" in the process.
I remember when my daughter was born I remember thinking when she was about 6 months that I didn't know who I was anymore. I had wrapped myself up in being a mum for so long I forgot what it was like to be me.
I learned from there that it is really important to still do things for yourself. Even small things. Small indulgences every now and then to remind yourself that you are a separate human being to your baby.
My indulgences:
COFFEE. It seems a strange indulgence. But I get a coffee every day. Usually from the local coffee shop or maybe from a cafe when out and about. This is something I do for me. It is my indulgence.
NAILS. I have acrylic nails on and have had for many years. I feel pretty with my nails done and it makes me feel like I am "together." Even if I am not. As it is an indulgence, I do leave them for almost a month, sometimes less time if I can, before I get them done again. I like choosing different colours and changing them up a bit.
EYEBROWS/ EYELASHES. Just like my nails when I get my eyebrows waxed and tinted I feel better about myself. It makes me feel tidy and cleaned up. My eyebrows have always been a problem with me. I feel very self-conscious about them. Growing up I was teased because I have very thick and overbearing eyebrows. They grow wild if I let them! So getting them tidied up really does make me feel better.
BATH/ SHOWER. After becoming a mummy I realised how much I appreciate having a shower or having time to have a bath! When I do get time to have a bath I put on music, turn off lights and light a candle. I put bubble bath in and RELAX! It is "me time."
EXERCISE. I used to go to the gym every day for 30 minutes. Seems trivial? But having that small amount of time each day kept me from going stir crazy and also allowed me to get fit/ loose weight. At one stage I lost nearly 15kgs! It made me feel so good about myself and kept my energy up to run after my daughter. Something I am wanting to get back into.
Why is it important for these indulgences?
As I said before these indulgences, though they may seem small keep a mummys mental health in check. When speaking to other mums they will all say having their time is always limited and they miss this the most after having kids.
These small times I take for me also allow my separation anxiety to stay at a manageable level. Now, don't get me wrong. It is hard to do! Time to get my nails done, or to exercise requires my village of support.
I went for a walk the other day, and MJL had to sit at the park with my daughter and bubs in order for me to go for a 30 minute power walk. To go to the gym earlier, it took my parents looking after my daughter in order for me to go. I need my village to help out. At times where my parents were busy, or MJL is busy, it does become almost impossible to achieve.
The gym I go to does not have a creche. Something I have been debating whether to change. Whether to change to another gym or to just try and negotiate a time with my village.
What others had to say on their indulgences:
When asked about the things they cannot live without the common responses were phone and coffee!
The main indulgence mentioned was exercise
Others were getting hair dyed every now and then
Many comments centered around beauty- waxing, nails etc.