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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

School ready (*UPDATED)

It's that time again. Most parents are thrilled when the new year begins and after 6 weeks (sometimes more) of holidays, the kids go back to school. Me on the other hand? I am usually feeling a mixture of sadness and regret. Being a full time working mum the past 4-5 years, and before that a studying/ working mum, I feel I haven't seen OJ a lot. During school holidays is our quality time together. So when it's school time again, it's less time I get to spend with her. This year will be different because I will get to drop her off/ pick her up from school most days (something I am actually a bit apprehensive about.) The regret part usually comes in when I realise we haven't really done a lot these holidays. Sure we have had quality time together, been to the pools, movies and shopping together. But always that mum guilt slipping in!


Well enough of my rambling, onto the point of this post. I thought I would show what I have put together for lunchbox ideas for the next week/ two weeks for OJ as a way of being a little more prepared. I have been having a lot of dreams lately of going into labour early... If I do I don't have to stress that my daughter won't have school lunches!

The School Bag

School clothes and bag laid out

Every year the school sends out a list of necessary items for school. The list usually has pencils and glue sticks etc. that each parent needs to buy their student to be prepared for the year. This year the list was the usual, and we went out last week to Big W and Kmart. The overall items plus a new bag , school shoes (pictured above) and lunchbag etc cost under $60. I was quite impressed by it all.

Random question for you all: Do you allow your child buckle up shoes or insist on lace up shoes in the younger years?

I have insisted OJ have lace up shoes to help her learn how to tie her shoes properly. This year I relented (I blame pregnancy hormones!) and allowed buckle up shoes. I don't want her to go backwards in learning how to tie shoe-laces which she has been doing so well at. I guess it's the teacher in me.

The fruit-breaks/ snacks

The school that OJ goes to has the initiative of fruit break. In the morning session usually they are to have a healthy fruit snack with water as a way of promoting healthy eating and to encourage kids who haven't had anything to eat in the morning to eat. So each day in OJ's lunchbag I like to put a fruit break snack, and an extra fruit/ veg snack for recess. She usually has two things for recess.

Cherry tomatoes

OJ loves her tomatoes. I don't have to cut cherry tomatoes up or anything which make them really easy to pack into containers.

Small handful of Blueberries

Blueberries have always been a favourite in our house. I also like raspberries but they are a bit messy for school lunchboxes. I try to not add too much in one container as they have a slightly higher sugar content to other fruits.

Small handful of grapes

baby cucumber and cut up carrot

We love grapes and they are super easy to add to small containers. Another one I try to only add a small amount in a container. We also buy the seedless grapes so there is no mess to clean up.

Usually I do not cut up carrots. OJ since daycare days has always loved eating carrot as a whole. But I thought I would try something different this time and cut it up. The baby cucumbers are the best snack as they are refreshing and don't need any prep. I just pop them in the container whole.

Dried apricots and sultanas

Fruit break has to be fresh fruit or vegetable. Dried fruits are higher in sugar and aren't as healthy as a piece of fruit or vegetable.

These containers are for recess snacks or extra snack for the day. I also don't allow OJ to take them every day as they cause her to have an upset tummy.

The containers

The downfall to the prepping of the lunchbox things is the amount of containers needed. The above picture shows the fruit and the dried fruit containers that will probably last just over 2 weeks.

Question: Would you do the container ideas for snacks or just put in snap lock bags?
The giant stack

I have been asked many of times why I don't just put them in snap lock bags. Why containers? Answer: Environment. Less plastic being thrown away. If I could get away with no plastic when buying the fruit would be even better.

I would preferably have each container labelled, but as we use the containers for other things, having OJ's name plastered over them make them a little embarrassing (especially if taking them to work.)

The Lunchbox

As I said earlier, OJ got a new lunchbox this year as her old one was beginning to fall apart. She isn't a girlie girl as such, and prefers "boy things" more. She chose a different lunchbox but was scared of being teased. *sigh!* Kids are mean some times.

The new lunchbag

I actually really like her lunch bag, and it only has the one compartment which makes it easy to put together.

Packed for the morning

I like to pack OJ's lunch bag the night before, usually along with MJL's lunch bag, to make the morning a lot easier. The only thing I can't make ahead of time is her sandwich. Apparently it goes "yucky" by the next day. Not sure what is meant by "yucky" but this means we have to make the sandwich in the rush of the morning.

OJ usually has vegemite or jam on Wonder White wholemeal/ white bread. Apparently mum and dad make it differently. I like to cut the sandwich in half, whereas dad just chucks the whole thing in a sandwich bag in the lunch bag. Male vs female logic?


I am hoping to keep organised with lunches this year. Even after bub is born. I want to make sure OJ is still having a healthy diet and even keeping myself motivated to eat healthy, too.

Each afternoon I plan to get OJ to lay out her school clothes for the next day as a way to get the morning routine quick and easy. As well as packing the lunch bag the night before, after dinner. As OJ is very independent, she can put the bag together quite easily (as long as they are packed in containers ready to go.) OJ helps to put the fruit in the containers on shopping day, and is excited to pack the fruit because she has helped put them in the containers.

Lucky last question:

How do you prepare for lunch boxes and school each day?

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