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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

The importance of having a "Mama-Tribe"

Lately I have been thinking how important it is a new mum to have their "Mama Tribe" around them. I have talked before about the importance of a your village when raising a child, but having a mama tribe is just as important!

What is a Mama Tribe?

A Mama Tribe is exactly that, a group of mums around you that you use for support, guidance and company.

Being a mum can be lonely at times- especially if you are like me with friends with either no kids or school aged kids.

Having mums with similar aged bubs or kids that can have playdates can be really helpful.

What can a Mama Tribe do for a new mum?

As a new mum things can seem so overwhelming. A new mum will question everything from what she is doing, to if her baby is okay or even to what other people are thinking about her. Having a group of mamas to help settle those questions and help guide that mama can be a huge help.

As a mama, I have been through some pretty tough times. Whether it be bub hasn't slept well or family struggles. Having other mums to turn to in those times has helped me through. Having mums to talk to and help find solutions to problems has helped me get through times I didn't think I could.

When my daughter was younger, I sometimes felt closed in and almost bored at home. Turning to mama tribe I was able to find activities I could do with her to keep us both entertained and active.

"There's no hood like motherhood."

Help in finding your Mama Tribe

If you are a new mum, you might be sitting there thinking "well okay, but how do I find a Mama tribe!?" Here's my suggestions:

  1. Register for a parent group through your Healthcare Clinic.

  2. Look up where you can find a local Mama Tribe in your area.

  1. Look into #mumlife movement and for local meet ups.

  2. Talk to other mums at school pick up/ drop offs.

  3. Register for local Mum Meet ups or motherhood related conferences.

  4. Go to a local cafe, especially a baby friendly one and chat to other mamas.

  5. Ring up or talk to mums you know (friends or family)

Now go out there and find or create your own Mama Tribe because being a mama is hard work and we need to stick together!

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