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Writer's pictureMissMumof2

The pregnancy journey

This pregnancy has been one amazing journey. When I was pregnant with OJ it was a very stressful and intense time. There was so much happening around the pregnancy that I didn't get the chance to enjoy the experience. I was very emotional and disliked being pregnant most of the time. This time round, I feel things have fallen into place and I have been given the chance to enjoy the experience with time off work since beginning of December.


The Announcement

The discussion around having a second child had been ongoing with MJL and I for quite a few months. We both agreed we wanted to have another child, and didn't want to wait until we were unable to. I had been sporadically taking pregnancy tests, a "just-in-case" type attitude. When I took the pregnancy test I wasn't expecting anything from it. When it came back positive, I sat there staring at it saying "oh" repeatedly. That emotion I felt was so overwhelming. My brain went into hyper-drive and I was thinking of everything at once, and what having a baby would change. As MJL was at work, I didn't want to tell him over the phone- I wanted to tell him in person. The longest day of waiting! I went to the shops to buy a few little pieces to announce the news- A blue wonder suit (MJL's favourite colour) and some little socks that say I <3 Mummy and I <3 Daddy. I put the now two pregnancy tests (just to be sure...) into a snap lock bag and the little goodies into a present bag ready to show MJL when he got home.

When MJL got home we sat in the bedroom and gave the present bag to him. His face as he opened it was priceless. The face of confusion, to realisation, to shock, to happiness... The only thing I wish I did differently was to get it on camera!

The next step was telling parents and work. I was extremely nervous and could hardly open my mouth to talk. MJL took the lead, and told both sets of parents. They were all so happy but surprised by the news. It was such a relief for me. As for work, it went just as well. My boss was so happy for me, and was so supportive of the news. It was beginning to feel like it was something that was just meant to happen.


The first five months

The first few months of the pregnancy flew by so quickly. I was still working full time, 14 hour days and running around like mad. I didn't tell everyone at first, which meant that even though I was growing a human being- everyone thought I was just the same. I was feeling the extreme tiredness kicking in, and felt nauseous most mornings. After my pregnancy with OJ with months of bad morning sickness- I was getting anxious it was going to be repeated with this one. However, I found a few tricks that seemed to help. Even though it's bad for health- a bottle of coke seemed to settle my stomach quickly. Throughout the day I ate small things. Snacked on crackers, and tried to eat anything healthy. I made sure to take the time to eat something every few hours. This helped keep morning sickness at bay so that I could get through the days.

When I had the first blood test (the one to confirm pregnancy) it showed my sugar glucose levels to be 5.1. If you are pregnant, or have been pregnant you will know they want that level to be under 5! I was .1 over! When I went to my OB/GYN he sent me for a glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. I spent the few weeks before the test keeping my small meals and healthy food diet going. The glucose test= the most tortuous thing ever! A blood test and awful tasting liquid, one hour wait, another blood test. Another one hour wait and a final blood test. All after fasting! Not only were my sugar levels under 5, they were down to under 4!

The hardest part of these months was balancing work commitments, and doctor appointments- whilst trying not to take time off work. I had several ultrasounds in this time too- the best part of the journey! I love seeing baby move on the screen and seeing how much it grew in between each ultrasound.



The ultrasounds are one of the best parts of the pregnancy. I have lost count of the ultrasounds I have had with this baby.

The first ultrasound was to confirm pregnancy and "Dates" of the baby. The baby was so tiny, but already so wriggly. It was amazing to see something so small that was living and growing inside me.

The next few ultrasounds showed baby growing well and steadily. Each ultrasound baby was very wriggly, and wouldn't sit still for the whole process. Because of this, when it came to an ultrasound to measure the heart and it's chambers, the poor ultrasound lady couldn't get a good "picture" to measure it. Thus... another ultrasound was booked for a few weeks later.

At another ultrasound it showed that baby was on the larger size... As I did not have gestational diabetes, my OB/GYN wanted ultrasounds booked 4 weeks apart.

At each ultrasound I have had someone join me. MJL, OJ, my mum, and my dad have all taken it in turns to join at the ultrasounds.


December to now

After finishing up work, the goal has been to get life ready and organised for baby. I have spent the past few months cleaning, organising and preparing the house for the baby. As the day gets closer, I am finding it harder and harder to move around or have the energy to move. This has slowed things way down!

Sleeping has been very up and down, and I find I sleep when my body lets me. Whether it be during the day or night. I sleep with an extra pillow to help with reflux, and an extra little cushion for under my belly. We have slept with the fan on every night since December because of the heat (and my body heat!) During the day the air-conditioning is on most of the day to help with the near 40 degree weather. Many days I have driven over to McDonalds to get a frozen drink to cool down. It has started to cool down which is easier to live with.

The past few weeks things have really slowed down and most of the time I spend on the couch watching tv, or snoozing. (Apart from the busy afternoons with OJ)

I have been missing work like crazy, but mostly I have been missing being able to move around easily. Walking for 10 minutes causes me to be out of breath and exhausted. Doing any form of physical work (like vacuuming) exhausts me for the rest of the day. It is the part of pregnancy I remember with OJ.


The final weeks

The next couple of weeks are going to be the hardest part of the whole journey. The waiting game. I feel I am organised enough for when Baby arrives, and have even organised what is happening around the time I am in hospital with OJ. My hospital bag is packed, baby things packed, and even have the capsule ready in the car (to get used to life with it in there.) I have weekly OB/GYN appointments. Mostly, it is about filling in the days and getting enough rest for when baby arrives.

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