You have a baby, CONGRATULATIONS! Bringing the baby home can be exciting and very daunting at the same time. I have two children and in both cases I have learned so much. From what things I really need to have to things I need for sanity. Below are my tips and some tips I have been given from others.
1. 10 Things you really need to have/ buy for baby
2. 5 Essentials for Mums to have ready
3. 10 Top Mumof2 Tips
4. Tips from others
10 Things you really need to have/ buy for baby:
A capsule. Seems logical right? The first thing you need for leaving the hospital is a capsule. Make sure you have it installed before you go in to hospital too. HUGE help!
Plenty of all in one suits. Little tops and pants seem cute, but with numerous changes all in one suits are so much easier to take off and put on.
Nappies. Have a big supply of nappies to start you off. Disposable or MCN. Also disposable nappy bags if you plan to use them.
Wipes. Goes along with nappies, but have a large supply to start with. We went through so many wipes in the first 2 weeks.
Dummies/ Pacifiers.If you plan to use a dummy have a few. They seem to drop, or get lost easily. My suggestion is Jollypop dummies. They're amazing. (
Blankets and wraps. My saver is swaddles. Babies love to be swaddled tightly to sleep.
Baby carrier. They're the best thing to have for easy movement, especially around the house. I use a Hug-a-bub. (
A pram. Another one that seems logical. Make sure your pram is easy to move, easy to fold up, fits inside your car and is easy to get and out of car. I suggest having a test run before baby comes.
A swing or bassinet for family area. We have both in our loungeroom. The baby swing has been a blessing. Having somewhere that baby can sleep or just "hang out" where they can see or hear family can be really important. Especially dinner times!
Bottles/ expressing pump. Whether you plan to use formula or to breast feed, I would suggest buying a pump and bottles anyway. I used a pump with my daughter that was handed down to me. With bubs my partner had to go buy one when we were in hospital ready for when we got home. My suggestion- buy it before baby is born.
5 Essentials for Mums to have ready
Nursing Bras. If you choose to BF have several comfortable nursing bras. If you are like me I change my bra every day, sometimes twice a day if I have had lots of milk spilt.
Nursing Pillow. I was given a BF nursing pillow from a friend and truth be told I only used it whilst in hospital. When we got home I used a U-Pillow I bought from K-mart. (See left.) They're so comfortable and easy to move around. Plus they're only $12!
Comfortable clothes. Seems pretty menial. But having comfortable pants and tops to wear at home and out is really important. Forgo to tight jeans and flashy clothes. Be comfortable!
Comfortable Underwear. Goes along with the clothes. Put aside the g-strings and the "Sexy undies." I bought a packet of "granny undies." The ones that go right up under your boobs nearly. They hold everything in and are super comfy.
A drink bottle. Or maybe more than one. I have always drunk a lot of water, but when BF I seem to drink even more. Having cold water bottles in the fridge ready to go is an easy way to keep yourself hydrated.
10 Top Mumof2 Tips
You are going to be tired. Let yourself be tired. Don't push it. Especially in the first few weeks. Get sleep when you can.
Be patient. Baby will cry. Baby will fuss. Let them sometimes. Don't get upset with them or angry. They feel it and it can make things worse.
Get things done while baby sleeps. Whether it be sleep, or clean or sort. If baby doesn't sleep easily or is fussy... Leave it for now. Get it done later.
Use your village. I was a single mum with my daughter and though I did a lot by myself, I still needed my support network to help. Use them. Don't be scared to ask for the help.
Keep yourself hydrated and eat regularly. You hear it all the time, but it can be a huge difference if you haven't eaten for hours or drunk enough water.
Have amusement ready.I can't live without my phone at the moment. When sitting with bubs asleep on my lap or feeding, having something to amuse myself passes the time a little more. (Though I do like to enjoy his company and admire my gorgeous baby too!) Having access to movies or tv shows you enjoy is another thing.
You will forget things. BABY BRAIN! I tell you my baby brain is the worst at the moment. I left the keys on top of the car today! Try to write things down, have a diary or calendar, or even sticky notes to write down reminders can help. I like to keep things in the same place each time- my keys normally go in the front pocket of my bag.
Have an outlet. You will need to relax, you will need some "you time." Have a way of getting your outlet. Mine is the shower. The five minutes away from bubs is my time. It makes a huge difference.
Be organised. With my daughter I was no way organised. I had no system for things or places to put things. This time round I feel a lot more organised. It makes the day-to-day much easier if things have their place and I know where things are. It helps with baby brain too!
It will be hard work. This is something that I never really took on board. It is hard work. 24/7 job. There will be time that you will feel stressed, feel overwhelmed and flat out exhausted. Keep positive and use your coping mechanisms to keep yourself together. Use your village.
Tips from others
I put the following question on my facebook page:
Question time: what's the best piece of parenting advice you have been given?
Some of the responses were:
Throw away the books.. babies don't come with manuals...
If they’re happy it doesn’t matter.
Trust your gut.
I put an Instagram sticker on my stories:
What advice would you give a mum to be?
Some responses were:
Rest as much as possible! Ask for help
Be kind to yourself! You're doing a great job
Have a plan. But remember that plan can change and that's ok