Getting a Mirena put in: Pros and cons
Yesterday I got a Mirena put back in, 9 weeks postpartum. I had one in after I had OJ and it was in for 5 years. I then got it replaced...
Yesterday I got a Mirena put back in, 9 weeks postpartum. I had one in after I had OJ and it was in for 5 years. I then got it replaced...
My daughter has always been my biggest helper, and loves to be given responsibility. We don't do "pocket money." But she does have...
The other day OJ asked me a very difficult question. "Why do people go into a school to shoot other people, mummy?" I was gutted. How do...
Another bit of news... I was saying to MJL, "when it rains it pours!" Another ambassador program set up! This one is super cute too! What...
Fourth Big News! You are probably thinking... Another one?! Yes! This collaboration came as a little bit of a surprise and by accident in...
THIRD BIG NEWS! WOW! The news just keeps on coming! This collaboration is extremely exciting as it is something a little different. This...
FIRST BIG NEWS I recently became an ambassador for a brand called Just Strong. The company is amazing and after this post you will...
A book review on: Badass Mums: 30 Boundary breaking women getting s#*! done by Affirm Press. I recently purchased this book thinking it...
A part of being a mum is trying to find the time to do things for yourself. Though being a mum is a wonderful and fulfilling job;...
There are only a few events throughout the year that our family celebrate with enthusiasm. Easter is one of those occassions. It is a...
School holiday time, want something to do with the kids that gets their heart pumping and sweat building up? Want them away from the...
When I pregnant with my daughter I remember being told over and over "breast is best!" The quote now drives me nuts. Yes I am a huge...
A lot of parents I know do not use the local Childhood healthcare centres. Where I live I am fortunate to have a childhood healthcare...
Swaddle According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: transitive verb 1a: to wrap (an infant) with swaddling clothes...
One of the hardest things in life for me to do is look only at the positives. Its so much easier to focus on the negatives. It is...
You have a baby, CONGRATULATIONS! Bringing the baby home can be exciting and very daunting at the same time. I have two children and in...
We have been trying for the past month to get back into the swing of our routines and some routines have had to be changed slightly to...
One benefit of being a stay at home mum is that I can help OJ with her homework. The past few months I have come up with a few different...
The birth of bubs was a very exciting but nerve wracking experience. With my daughter I had an emergancy c-section. It was not part of...
This pregnancy has been one amazing journey. When I was pregnant with OJ it was a very stressful and intense time. There was so much...